Welcome! On this page, you'll find a list of favorite products you'll often find me talking about on my podcast, in emails and on social.

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Mental Health Supports

Easy to use Items
We all have a lot going on, so here are some quick and easy options to support your health
Earthing Mat
from Earthing
Grounding mats connect you to the Earth's natural energy, helping reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and promote relaxation. I sleep on the earthing mattress cover every night!

Made by Wavwatch
This wearable device emits low-frequency electromagnetic waves. The watch has over 500 settings! I wear mine on the ADHD setting often. It also has support frequencies for women's health, headaches, knee & neck pain, sinus infections, tinnitus, carpal tunnel, anxiety & emotions, mental Clarity, dental infections, allergies, tremor, PTSD, arthritis, asthma, better Sleep, kidney stones... the list just keeps going. 

Himalayan Salt Lamp
from company that makes the product
These lamps release negative ions, which may help purify the air, alleviate allergies, and promote relaxation. I received mine as a gift from the previous house owner when we moved to Wisconsin.
Air Purifier
from company that makes the product
An air purifier removes allergens, pollutants, and toxins from the air, promoting better respiratory health and reducing the risk of airborne illnesses.

Water Ionizer
from company that makes the product
 Ionized water has antioxidant properties and is believed to help balance the body's pH levels, boost hydration, and support overall health.

Blue Light Blocking Glasses
from company that makes the product
These glasses filter out harmful blue light emitted by screens, helping reduce eye strain, improve sleep quality, and protect long-term eye health. I a committed to eye health now, as my prescription doubled from too much screen time when I was writing my books!

Aromatherapy Diffuser
from company that makes the product
Using essential oils in a diffuser can promote relaxation, improve mood, and are great supports when you are feeling stress and anxiety. This one is a must have for me! We have multiple diffusers in our house!

Acupressure Mat
from company that makes the product
Designed to stimulate acupressure points on the body, these mats can help relieve muscle tension, reduce pain, and promote relaxation. This one I took a while to warm up to! 

Sad Lamp
from company that makes the product
Light therapy lamps mimic natural sunlight and can help alleviate symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), improve mood, and regulate sleep patterns. I also heard that it is great to get natural sun right when you wake up... however if you wake up before the sun is up, this can be a nice second best!

EMF Protection Devices
from company that makes the product
Products like EMF shielding phone cases or pendants claim to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices, potentially lowering the risk of related health issues. I have used the stickers before, you can stick them onto the back of your devices.

We don't get all of our needed nutrients from food alone, supplementation is also needed!

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Mental Health Support
We can all use things that help boost our mood and keep stress at bay.
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This is where you share why you love this product: an anecdote, testimonial, story or other info. Sell the click!

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Just a reminder: I am not a doctor, I am not diagnosing, treating or curing. I am just a friend, sharing what she uses. Yes, some links are affiliate, this usually gets you a discount and helps me out too.