This is the course that teaches how to easily plan your garden set up for the best use. You will also learn where to get your seeds, how to start seeds and keep them alive, and different techniques to keep the weeds away! This course will help you have a successful garden!

 What does the course cover?

  • Picking the perfect location and size for your garden
  • Where to order your seeds and why it's matters
  • How to schedule out seed starting dates
  • How to rotate plants in your garden
  • How to prevent cross pollination
  • Creating a garden map
  • Potting Tray Options
  • Soil Blocking
  • Benefits of a grow rack
  • Starting your seeds
  • Fencing/garden protection
  • Composting
  • Compost tea
  • Ground cover
  • Planting in the garden

I started gardening the "normal" way people garden. Ya know, tilling, pulling weeds, spending hours in the garden with a low return of food... then my hubby and I started researching! We watched hours of grading content, read countless books and most importantly, we tried out the methods that we learned about! Some failed the "real life" test and other methods did wonderful! Because this learning and trial and error took us years, I created this course to save you time AND help you create your most successful garden yet!