Moving is stressful enough. Don't let the packing part add stress—make sure you're prepared with these 10 items before moving day!
1. Boxes
The first thing you will need for your move are boxes. You can usually find boxes for free from local businesses. I go to a local Subway and ask for boxes. They usually have lots of boxes they are willing to part with. You can also purchase boxes from Amazon if you don't extra time in your schedule to drive to local businesses.
2. Packing Material
In addition to boxes, you will also need packing material to protect your belongings during the move. I like to start by using what I have in the house. Towels, dishcloths, and blankets will all work as padding inside of boxes or totes. I also like to have some additional bubble wrap on hand for items that need lots of protection during the move.
3. Tape
You will need tape to seal up your boxes and keep them closed during the move. Be sure to get a good quality tape so that it doesn't come undone during the move. Using a tape with a dispenser will keep you from repeatedly searching for the edge of the tape.
5. Markers
Use think permanent markers to mark the side and top of your box. Label the box clearly with the room and items that are in the box.
4. Labels
If you would like to get fancy, use label stickers to label your boxes so that you know what is in each one. The labels are color coded and have room to add additional notes. This will make unpacking much easier and less stressful.
5. Furniture Sliders
Furniture sliders are a great way to move heavy furniture without damaging your floors or injuring yourself. They are essentially large discs that you place under furniture legs and then push or pull the furniture across the floor. You can purchase furniture sliders for carpeted floors and for hard floors.
You can also put sliders under your chair legs to prevent them from scratching the floor.
8. Disposable Plates
Even though the kitchen is packed, you still need to eat! Using paper plates during a move helps you stay fueled with out doing extra dishes or digging out the plates after you packed them!
9. Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning supplies can be used to clean your old home before you leave, or to clean your new home once you arrive. Either way, they are an essential part of the moving process. I like to have paper towels, steel scrubbers, and cleaning gloves on hand as well as some natural cleaners.
10. A Music Playlist
Moving can become stressful. A great way to release some of that stress is to have your favorite songs playing as you pack!
Happy packing!
What other tips do you have for packing? Share them in the comments below!