Packing up all your belongings in order to move to a new area can be intimidating and leave many people overwhelmed, and feeling like the whole process is chaos. It doesn't have to be this way.
Let’s face it, moving can get messy. It is literally where we take everything out of its place, put it in boxes, mix up all the boxes and then find a new spot for all the things. Moving can overwhelm people, but it does not have to. There are things that you can do to ease the transition of moving and to create peace and hold that inner peace even if things get messy.
Manage your mental talk.
Managing how you speak to yourself and how you look at the situation is huge. It effects your attitude, your effort, and those around you. So say positive things to yourself and look at situations with a good attitude. Instead of saying “I didn’t get the kids’ room done,” speak out what you did get done, “I was able to pack all of the extra bedding and extra clothes for the kids.” Look at the situations that you may consider hard and see them as places that you can grow.
Notice how the people who are in your current location are making you feel.
The pull of family and friends can be hard to navigate. When they are wishing you would stay and sad about the move it can pull you into a “funk” also. I am not saying to avoid them, just make sure that you are able to get the most important part of your daily to-do list done before you spend some quality time with them. In this way, you are able to have mental clarity and focus while packing. You will be continuing to make progress towards your goal of moving even if your fall into a “funk” after visiting people and need to have a chill night.
Have a system in place.
There are specific things that I do every single time I move that make the transition easier. The first step is done before packing. Take time to get rid of the extra clutter and donate things that you don't use. It is easy to accumulate things that are not used often or at all. Now is your chance to pass on the items that you’re not using so those things don’t create an extra mess in your new house and take up needed space in the totes.
Get the right totes.
Once you have donated all the extra stuff, it is important to get clear, stackable totes. This way you can see what is in the tote and locate a needed item quickly and easily no matter what part of the moving process you are in. They also stack and fit nicely together so there is no wasted space in the moving vehicle. These totes can be used for storage when you get to your new location. (I love to store extra toys in them and then swap out toys for my kids every few months. They toys are easy for the kids to see and they can pick what they would like to play with.)
What have you done in the past that has helped you have peace in the chaos of moving? Share it in the comments below!
Moving to a new area? Then you will love my Guide: 3 Steps to Creating More Friendships.