Moving is stressful enough. Don't let the packing part add stress—make sure you're prepared with these 10 items before moving day!
1. Boxes
The first thing you will need for your move are boxes. You can usually find boxes for free from local businesses. I go to a local Subway and ask for boxes. They usually have lots of boxes they are willing to part with. You can also purchase boxes from Amazon if you don't extra time in your schedule to drive to local businesses.
2. Packing Material
In addition to boxes, you will also need packing material to protect your belongings during the move. I like to start by using what I have in the house. Towels, dishcloths, and blankets will all work as padding inside of boxes or totes. I also like to have some additional bubble wrap on hand for items that need lots of protection during the move.
3. Tape
You will need tape to seal up your boxes and keep them closed during the move. Be sure to get a good quality tape so that it doesn't come undone during the move. Using a tape with a dispenser will keep you from repeatedly searching for the edge of the tape.
5. Markers
Use think permanent markers to mark the side and top of your box. Label the box clearly with the room and items that are in the box.
4. Labels
If you would like to get fancy, use label stickers to label your boxes so that you know what is in each one. The labels are color coded and have room to add additional notes. This will make unpacking much easier and less stressful.
5. Furniture Sliders
Furniture sliders are a great way to move heavy furniture without damaging your floors or injuring yourself. They are essentially large discs that you place under furniture legs and then push or pull the furniture across the floor. You can purchase furniture sliders for carpeted floors and for hard floors.
You can also put sliders under your chair legs to prevent them from scratching the floor.
8. Disposable Plates
Even though the kitchen is packed, you still need to eat! Using paper plates during a move helps you stay fueled with out doing extra dishes or digging out the plates after you packed them!
9. Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning supplies can be used to clean your old home before you leave, or to clean your new home once you arrive. Either way, they are an essential part of the moving process. I like to have paper towels, steel scrubbers, and cleaning gloves on hand as well as some natural cleaners.
10. A Music Playlist
Moving can become stressful. A great way to release some of that stress is to have your favorite songs playing as you pack!
Happy packing!
What other tips do you have for packing? Share them in the comments below!
Are you a mom who is juggling the task of adjusting to a movie while trying to make your child feel at home in the new area? Don't worry, you can do it! One of my favorite ways to help my kids adjust to the new location is to make their room a special place. Here are some tips to help you make your child's room special after you move.
First, try to keep some elements of the old room in the new one. If your child has a favorite toy or blanket, try to find a spot for it in the new room. This will help your child feel more comfortable and at home in their new space.
You can also add personal touches to the room by displaying photos of loved ones or putting up artwork that reflects your child's interests. Adding these small touches will help turn the new room into a peaceful and calm place they can come to when they are having a hard time adjusting to all the changes.
I also like to let my kids pick something new out for their room when we get to the new location. This gives the kids another fun thing to look forward to. It also can be a really fun experience helping your kids design there new room layout and set up there stuff.
If you're looking for a fun and unique way to make your child's bedroom special, one of my kid's all time favorite additions has been a hammock chair! My daughter has the white hammock chair and my son has the black hammock chair. Not only is it a fun addition that they use for hours, but it is also a great place for them to relax and read or just take a break from the world. Their friends also love swinging it when they come over.
Cheers to creating a fun new room for your kids that has memories of where you came from, their long loved toys and a fun new addition to their room which symbolizes all the fun and new things you will do here in your new location!

Find out why the ninja blender is an essential item to take with you when moving, and some of the many benefits it offers.
Moving locations is a great transition!
Before moving , it's a great time to look over the daily routines and pick out things that are going really well. Yes I said that correctly, look at what you are doing right! Pick out the habits that have value, that make your day go smooth, morning routines, and those cherished evening chats .
Write out a list of all the rocking habits.
When moving things can get jumbled around and the routines that took so much work to establish, if not careful, can be lost while navigating the current situation. Don't lose what you have worked so hard to gain. Pick a few key routines to focus on, reinforce and make sure that the routine(s) survive the move.
This point is even more important if you have kids. Their world is changing too, and a solid routine can give them a sense of stability when if feels like all else is shifting. You don't have to carry the whole routine over to the new location, just a few of the core and cherished routines. So if your family has a routine of eating together every night, that would be a great one to keep! Giving the adults and the kids things that they know and can trust all the while being in a totally new situation can bring comfort and added peace to the situation.
After all, a house is just a house... It's you who makes it a home. You are able to transform an ordinary house into a place of peace and connection with routines that make days go smooth and people feel valued and loved.
If you are looking for ways to add in positive routines, check out the Moms28daystovalue challenge! It has great ideas and action prompts for establishing health routines for you and your family.

Have you ever been blindsided when big emotions and feelings hit?
The feeling of missing the old and known is not usually fully understood until a month or two into the move.
When getting ready to move, I usually know I'm going to miss my current place, town and people. I drive off with a bitter sweet feeling. Happy to be doing new things and exploring new areas, but sad to leave what has become familiar and comfortable.
In most places we move from, we leave something that we will miss. The views of the woods, the walking trail, playgroups. library, friends, or even how the grocery store is set up. Those feelings of "missing the old" usually pop up and it's okay. It's okay to miss where you have been and the people and special things there. You are able to see all the benefits that old place had to offer. Now you can see them clearly because it is contrasted against new situations and different places. Feel it and notice it, but don't let yourself stay there. Appreciate what was and the good that you had, but look to the future with bright eyes. There are many ways to embrace the new, even while missing the old.
Start by asking the locals about what places they like in the area. Go and explore those areas, grocery stores, restaurants, and parks. Talk to the people you meet during your new adventures and learn more about what makes the area you are currently in special.
As you start making a new routine and find things to enjoy about the new area, you will start to feel more at home and at ease. Many realize that they are strong enough to enjoy the new place with out the supports of the old in place. We get stronger every day.
Claim your strength!
It's in you, call it out.
If you are looking for more ways to build friendships in your new area, join my community of friends who are embracing the adventures of moving!