How can I grow a garden without weeds?
I grasped a handful of grass and tugged as hard as I could.

My fingers were sore, and I was getting nowhere. Every time I grabbed a handful of grass the top of the grass broke off and left the roots fully intact. I knew the grass would be growing back soon. If I didn't change something it was going to overtake your garden.

I sat back and looked at the garden full of grass and shook my head. Something MUST change. I don't know what, but I do know I'm not going to spray cancer causing chemicals on my food.

it took a few years of trial and error to discover the solution but FINALLY Ethan and I found an organic solution. A solution that helped us to focus on growing the plants instead of focusing on pulling weeds.

The solution? GARDEN FABRIC! Garden fabric has saved us countless hours, even days of weeding. It has saved us from spending extra time watering too. Our plants no longer have to compete against grass or other weeds. So, they are stronger, they are taller, their root system is larger, and they produce better produce!

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not, as long as you buy the high-quality fabric you will see the same results! All fabrics are not made the same, I had multiple friends buy cheap fabric for their garden after visiting our house and hearing us rave about how much the fabric has helped us save time. They did not get the same results.  When you buy cheap fabric (fabric that the sun can shine through) it acts as a greenhouse instead of inhibiting weed growth.

For your convenience I have linked the type of fabric that we use in our garden. So, you don’t have to find out the hard way about what cheap fabric does. These fabrics can be laid down in your garden for years and will last multiple seasons as well as save you days of work!

Get ready to experience a garden where you can focus on the plants your growing instead of focusing on pulling weeds! It's a game changer for sure!

Stay tuned for the next blog post titled "How Do You Lay Garden Fabric?"

If you are ready to set up a garden, but need someone to walk you through the steps, my course may be what you’re looking for. Check it out here: Garden Set Up Made Simple!


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